I made this stream-of-consciousness zine at the 2024 A2RU Emerging Creatives Conference hosted at RIT. The theme of the conference was "play", and was a three-day exploration of different ideas relating to the overarching theme. My group's theme was 'disrupting norms', and we developed a project brief to each pursue which facet of our subtheme we found most interesting. Being one of the larger groups with 8 people, we ended up producing five different 'books', each subverting a norm in a different way. We titled the full collection "The Library of Disruption".
Experimentation in progress.
My final product as well as another book by Christina James.
For me, my goal was to get away from using a screen or any Adobe products for a week, as the conference was held during RIT's spring break. I wanted to create with a focus on quantity over quality, so I made a bunch of pages generally in identical size, and went to town printmaking, doodling, stamping, and cutting into them, with really no rhyme or reason other than to follow my direct impulses. Kind of a Dada mindset going on here.

This conference was incredibly eye-opening, and I engaged in some really very fascinating conversations with people from all different parts of the country, but also from different education levels and fields. At the end of the week, there was a science-fair-style presentation of all the projects, and the cross-disciplinary approach led to a great variety of perspectives. It was really incredible to see what all people were able to do in such a short amount of time!